Part III 完整源码

Register Client Script in Yii

Register Client Script in Yii 1.0 Framework's view layer

Yii Go 系列视频,正式内测


custom 404 page in Yii

control Yii 1.0 Framework error display

add custom error message to a model in Yii

add custom error message to a model in Yii 1.0 Framework

get error message in AR

when save fail for Yii 1.0 Framework's Active Record, we can use this way do some error debug.

condition and params in CDbCriteria

set condition and params for CDbCriteria, in Yii 1.0 Framework

Indirect modification of overloaded element of CHttpSession has no effect

fixed "Indirect modification of overloaded element of CHttpSession has no effect" error in Yii 1.0 Framework

Yii PHP Framework 1.1.8 is released

Yii PHP Framework 1.1.8 is released

Yii Go - Yii Chinese Video Tutorial

all Yii Go Video Tutorial info(Data, Download Files etc) will publish on this page.

sets scenario for a model in Yii 1.0

in Yii 1.0 Framework sets scenario for a model in different condition

Code Demo for beforeAction

Code Demo for beforeAction in Yii 1.0 Framework

upload ActiveForm setting in Yii

if you want use ActiveForm upload files in Yii, you need do the follow setting

Ajax Captche in Yii 1.0

in Yii 1.0 framework config and use ajax captche

CArrayDataProvider in Yii Code Demo

CArrayDataProvider Demo Code in Yii 1.0 Framework

Flash Message in Yii 1.0

Demo Code for how to config and use flash message in Yii 1.0 Framework