2016-07-10 13:59:28 0 Comments PHP Boy.Lee

Checks if the class method exists in PHP

in PHP coding, we usually need check if the class method exist, if we direct call without check we could get exception. In Yii 2.0 framework, we can also use this way to check model's relation exist.

{ Check Class Method exist }

namespace YiiLib;

class Topic {

   function addComment() { }

$topic = new Topic();

var_dump(method_exists($topic, 'addComment')); //true
var_dump(method_exists($topic, 'deleteComment')); //false


{ Yii 2.0 Check Model's Relation exist }

namespace YiiLib;

class Topic extends \common\components\CommonBased

     * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
    public function getComments()
        return $this->hasMany(Comment::className(), ['com_topic_id' => 't_id']);

$topic = new Topic();

if(method_exists($topic, 'getComments')){
	//TODO relation exist