Mac OS use Homebrew to install special version Nodejs
When use Sublime Text3's plugin HTML/CSS/JS Prettify need install Nodejs, use the follow to install Nodejs 6.10.0 on Mac OS via Homebrew, the default install version is 7.x
{ 1. Homebrew update and check }
brew update
{ 2. Find nodejs versions in Homebrew }
brew search node
leafnode node node@0.10 node@4 node@6 nodeenv
llnode node-build node@0.12 node@5 nodebrew nodenv
//@4 @5 is version number
{ 3. install Nodejs v6 }
brew install node@6
{ 4. Add Path }
vi /etc/paths
add "/usr/local/opt/node@6/bin/" to the end
{ 5. Check nodejs and npm version }
node -v
npm -v
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