Mac OS X El Capitan(10.11.6) remove Developer Category out Spotlight search result
Mac OS X El Capitan(10.11.6)'s Spotlight Search is very useful, but by default it will show Developer Category in result and can't cancel it, this topic show how to remove it out result list
The main reason is Mac OS X thinks that you are a developer, so add the Developer Category for you auto, if you have Xcode installed, then you can find Developer Category in setting and remove it, if you don't have, then you can use the follow way.
{ 1. Fake Xcode }
Open Terminal or iTerm type in follow code
cd /Applications
{ 2. Remove Developer Category }
Open System Preferences > Spotlight > Search Result find "Developer" un-select it
{ 3. Do Not Delete Fake Xcode }
You may think that we can delete the Fake Xcode after Remove Developer Category, but the truth is if you deleted the Fake Xcode, the Developer Category will be added back again. So DO NOT DELETE THE FAKE XCODE
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