2019-05-14 09:26:57 0 Comments MySQL Boy.Lee

MySQL 5.7.26 Reset Root Password on Centos 6

I lost my root password with a mysql error, so I have to reset it, the server is Centos 6 and mysql 5.7.26, follow are the steps


{ 1. Open No Password Login Mode  }

vi /etc/my.cnf

//find [mysqld], add "skip-grant-tables" under it as a new line

//save out

{ 2. Login without Password }

//restart mysql service
service mysqld restart

//yes only this one command

{ 3. Reset Root Password }

//select database
use mysql

//change pass
update user set password=password('YiiLibNewPass') where user='root';



{ 4. Reset Everything }

remove skip-grant-tables from /etc/my.cnf

service mysqld restart


{ 5. Login with New Pass }

mysql -uroot -p